Tour guide in Eilat Alon D.

Eilat, Israel

Hebrew, English


Tours Delivered,
Since Oct 15, 2020


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I'm Alon D., your private tour guide in Israel

Guide #49713

Since my childhood I explored my country to its length and width and the more I knew I felt I must learn more. That is why I studied Geography and History of Israel. In the kibbutz where I lived I taught geography but most of the teaching was outside. I guided young children and adults in various trails all over my beloved country. In 1996 I was appointed as manager of Hatzeva field School in the Arava which is part of the Israeli desert. The school deals with teaching and researching the natural habitat in the desert. I got a lot of experience guiding young students and adults in the wilderness of the desert. I completed my studies at the Ministry of Tourism and became a licensed Tourist Guide. I started guiding tourists all over Israel but my specialty is the desert. In 2008 I hiked to the length of Israel on "Israel Trail" (at that time 940km and now more than 1000km). Since then I started guiding groups on Israel Trail, which about half of it pass through the desert and finish in the south on the shore of the Red Sea near Eilat. There are many beautiful trails in the mountains near Eilat where the geology is unique and the landscapes are extraordinary. I can walk the same trail hundreds of times and it will never be the same. The air, weather, colors, passing animals and of course the guided travelers - all give me sheer excitement as I do it again. 1978-1982 - BA in Geography and Israel Studies from Haifa University. 1986-1988 - Student of Master's Degree in Maritime Civilizations from Haifa University. 1986-1988 - Certification in Geography Teaching. 1997 - Tour Guide Studies via the Ministry of Tourism. Certified guide in Hebrew and in English. 2014 - Specialization in Christianity, from Yad Izhak Ben Zvi, Ministry of Tourism. I am not a driver

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